
Spring, 2012

With Janet Jay and Ray Basham

As Cinema WasteLand is now my favorite HORROR convention, Marcon is now my favorite SCI-FI convention!  Marcon is run/organized by the FANS, not some money-hungry corporation that only cares about profits.  The result is Marcon is ALWAYS a lot of fun!  There's not enough space on this page to list all the events this convention offers, however, I'll mention a few - some of the best panels on the face of the planet, a dealer's room that almost always has new dealers every year, guests you haven't seen a dozen times before, filk, cosplay, gaming, masquerade, and about a million other events.  However, the best thing about Marcon is . . . the people!  You won't see a bunch of fighting, or unruly people just hanging around to cause trouble.  As I said before, this convention is run by the fans, and it's FOR the fans!

- Carl