Fleet of Angels

Reviews From the Heart

Below are the actual comments taken off a message board from the people at General Motors.  Some of the words were cleaned up, and the irrelevant posts removed, but other than that, this is what normal people are saying about Fleet of Angels.  Not one of these people were paid in any manner for their endorsements.


By TimeKeeper (Timekeeper) on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 - 04:13 am:

The TIMEKEEPER showed up tonight and purchased 3 copies of FOA, and although Carl had to sign them in-between-trucks, he got the job DONE!!! My guess is that the first 40, were GONE before lunch!!!!

By Curious (Curious) on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 - 05:32 am:

Don't forget where we meet tomorrow Carl!!  4:00!!  And we want 7, not just five copies.

Did anyone on B-Crew get a chance to read any of FOA??  How was it?  (You know me.  I'm just curious.)

By lever (Lever) on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 - 05:36 am:

I know what I will be doing on my five days off.

Reading FOA. I got my signed copy tonight. Thanks Timekeeper.

By Troy (Troy) on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 - 05:44 am:

You and your little group must be the only people in the PLANT that didn't get a book tonight Curious. Everywhere I looked I saw people reading it. I'm already on page 78.

To answer your question it is GREAT! The military details are accurate as hell. Too accurate because I felt like I was back in the Navy for a while there. And did anybody else read Mindy's (AKA Charger's ) review on Carl's web site? DEAD ON! Best frickin' book I've read in years. I don't like sci-fi at all, but this book has me hooked. Charger said that once you start this book you can't stop well she was DEAD ON!!

To Carl: GREAT job writing Fleet of Angels. YOU are going places mister!

By Biker (Biker) on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 - 05:52 am:

I kept looking for the SEX in the book!! You done good Carl. I heard the cover was yours too! I got you beat Troy. I am on p. 143 and I'll finish it before I go to BED THIS MORNING!! This books might even make me start reading again!!!

By Buddy (Buddy) on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 - 06:04 am:

I agree. Carl did a hellava job with this book and I can't understand why you people didn't get one tonight Curious. It looked to me like everybody else did! OUR WHOLE LINE GOT IT WOMAN!!! You can't stop reading it either huh Troy?? I know what you mean!

By Mystery-Girl (Mg) on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 - 06:31 am:

Bring one more tomorrow, Carl. I forgot my father's birthday!!

By Killer (Killer) on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 - 06:41 am:

I've never READ a book like Fleet of Angels before. THIS BOOK IS GOOD I'm TELING YA!! Fighting out the KaZOOBLES, and it reads so smooth, it's like BEING there! I felt like I was a guy in some outer limits movie! The first two pages are slow, but after you're done with that Prolog part it FLYS and you want to read and not stop!

By HenHouseFox (Hhf) on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 - 12:02 pm:

Carl's book can be described as pure excitement, and it's characters could be described as the best humanity can offer.

A better review Troy, is the one by T. Wright. Those of you who have read the book, read this and tell me I'm wrong.

"Carl has a talent for mixing the macabre and humor with spine-tingling suspense, a truly entertaining combination. And through it all, Carl shows us our weaknesses and gives us a clear picture of the price we must pay for those frailties." -Terry Wright, author of The 13th Power, from Gardenia Press. 

See? That fits FOA to a TEE I think!

By HenHouseFox (Hhf) on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 - 12:04 pm:

Now that I have finally finished FOA, I'm going to bed for an hour or so! WHAT A BOOK!!!

By Driver (Driver) on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 - 01:41 pm:

You stayed up ALL DAY to finish a book you could have read at WORK?

You got yourself a good book Carl. Sell it as good as you wrote it, retire early, and save yourself from dying an early death like the rest of us. That's my best advice. Get out while you can.

By Bigbubba (Bigbubba) on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 - 10:20 pm:

hey Carl i like what i hear about the book so dont forget my 2 copies thursday.... ill be there around 9:36 break ok?

By Carl Merritt (Carl) on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 06:28 am:

Lever, if you get a chance tomorrow (Wednesday) night, send George over to my job at lunch. He wants a copy of Fleet, and I can't get away from my area while these books are being sold. Tell him ASAP, because FOA books are going fast!

Thank ya, Ma'am.

By BossLady (Bosslady) on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 07:55 am:

Carl!! I really enjoyed reading Fleet of Angels SO MUCH!!   In reading it, I can TELL you have a sense of humor...........

By justaworker (Jaw) on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 11:25 am:

Thanks a bunch Carl...the book is wonderful.

By lever (Lever) on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 03:19 pm:

Okey Dokey Carl. Will tell George when I get there tonight.

By Carl Merritt (Carl) on Thursday, September 12, 2002 - 05:42 am:

Lever, you should have seen old George when he saw the book, and how I signed it for him. I won't post it on here, but let's just say he was VERY happy. Did you read what I wrote in his copy?

By Mindless Anon (Ma) on Thursday, September 12, 2002 - 06:27 am:

It looks like the only thing we can agree on is that Fleet of Angels is one HECK of a book!  I'm on p. 149 Carl!!  Fleet of Angels is MUCH better than any STAR WARS book I've ever read.

By lever (Lever) on Thursday, September 12, 2002 - 06:31 am:

No Carl I didn't get to read it. I can just imagine his reaction. He gets so excited about everything.

By Mystery-Girl (Mg) on Thursday, September 12, 2002 - 07:56 am:

Carl is such a down to Earth, honest, cute and nice guy to play around with, I can't believe I'm saying this but here goes. Please don't laugh, because once you read Fleet of Angels everybody, you'll agree, I'm sure.

I've read a lot of books by such authors as Tom Clancy and Stephen King. I'm almost done with Fleet of Angels, and I'll have to admit that I like Carl's work as much as Clancy's and MORE than King's more recent works. Fleet of Angels has just the right combination of action, suspense and humor to make it a best-seller. It's a book that you HATE to have to stop reading to do such things as eat, sleep or even go to work. A "page-turner?" You BET it is!

I like your style of writing, Carl!!! You're as good as ANY of them, and better than most!!!

By Bigbubba (Bigbubba) on Thursday, September 12, 2002 - 02:06 pm:

Well from the sound of things I cant wait too get my copy of the book.  Carl sounds like you did one heck of a job on it ....
I'm not worthy.

By Hacker1975 (Hacker1975) on Thursday, September 12, 2002 - 03:16 pm:

I finished my copy last night at lunch. It was an exciting book to read, and everybody was right with everything they've said about it. I can't believe Carl works in a dump like MA. With an extraordinary talent like that, he could do anything he has ever dreamt of. One thing is for sure, he is ONE HELL OF A WRITER!!

Clancy? Who in the hell is Clancy? If I was that guy, I'd move over for a brilliant man named Merritt!!

By Atomic Dog (Gc) on Thursday, September 12, 2002 - 04:01 pm:

I'm not anything NEAR done with FOA yet. Not enough time on my job to read. But I can tell you this much so far. You people are right. I've never read a book this gripping before either. I sort of wonder though why it took so long to be published. Are things that difficult in the literary market that those that make the decisions could pass up a book THIS good?

By Kra Vuc (Kv) on Friday, September 13, 2002 - 02:06 pm:

Nice book Carl. Reading aint my thing but it aint bad at all.

By Hacker1975 (Hacker1975) on Friday, September 13, 2002 - 03:15 pm:

What page are you on, Kra?

By WWF (Wwf) on Saturday, September 14, 2002 - 01:27 am:

I want to talk about Carl's book. I bought a copy from him last night after I saw a man from C come in off shift on his personal time and buy a copy. I registered with this site at the same time with Carl.

I've never talked to Carl before last night, but once I got to know him I found that he was a pretty good joe. I started his book at lunch last night and found it to be one of the better books I've ever read. I finished it a half hour ago. All the talk on here about it being a "page turner" is absolutely correct. It is an exciting adventure he has written, and keeps you turning the pages hour after hour. I can't wait until book number two is available.

By Kra Vuc (Kv) on Saturday, September 14, 2002 - 02:15 am:

Man Im not real good at reading ok? Carls writing makes it easy though. Im on page 145. Why man?

By Troy (Troy) on Saturday, September 14, 2002 - 03:43 am:

No HHF, Charger said it best in her review. Here it is below, I pulled it from Carl's site like you did the other guys. This is about 3 months old I think. She said the same thing months ago that people who read the book are saying now.

"I've read a lot of books in my life, and let me tell you that Fleet of Angels is a novel that will keep you turning the pages until you go blind. It has all the elements of the classics that seem to be missing in the majority of the science fiction novels that you see in the stores today. Fleet of Angels is very hard to put down once started. When Carl asked me to do this review, regardless of the fact that I'm not rich and famous, it didn't surprise me at all. Carl usually has a unique way of doing things which, of course, is reflected in his writing. If you only buy one book in your entire life, Fleet of Angels would be a good choice. It's the type of book that you'll be reading over and over in the years to come."

By Curious (Curious) on Saturday, September 14, 2002 - 04:29 am:

One thing is for certain. Fleet of Angels is going to be a hit!! All I've seen are good remarks on here about Carl and his book. I just got done reading it myself and I think it's going to be the hottest book in the U.S. before long. It's easy to read, and it makes you feel like you are in the middle of a war! My brother read part of it last night while I was at work and he says it is VERY accurate in the way Carl portrays the military. He wants a signed copy also now. If this isn't the type of book that they make movies out of, I don't know what is!

By justaworker (Jaw) on Saturday, September 14, 2002 - 07:13 am:

I have one Bobby, and it is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Anon (Anon) on Saturday, September 14, 2002 - 06:12 pm:

You must find a way to sell your books to the people on A Crew also, Carl. Don't forget about us. We are the people you hired in with.

By Mystery-Girl (Mg) on Saturday, September 14, 2002 - 11:55 pm:

Miss Anon, have you ever considered just going to Carl's job after you get off work? It's the grill job if you can't read post numbers. Carl GETS there about the same time you guys get off if you work on Final. What's the big deal with that? Jees!

By Hacker1975 (Hacker1975) on Sunday, September 15, 2002 - 05:12 am:

On your web site, I like what you've done to your marketing section for your book, Carl. It's a lot easier to navigate than it was before. Now just tell me who that BEAUTIFUL girl is there on your review page!! LOL

By Curious (Curious) on Sunday, September 15, 2002 - 05:49 am:

OH MY GOD!!! Carl I LUV YOU!!! That Wanda Collins character in your book!!! That's ME isn't it??? MG just thought of it and told me, otherwise I never would have noticed!!! I want to have your BABY!!! Oh, THANK YOU!!!

By Mystery-Girl (Mg) on Sunday, September 15, 2002 - 05:57 am:

Yeh yeh I knew it!! I somehow KNEW if I checked the site you would already be thanking Carl, Cuz!! (You want to have his BABY?? I don't want to hear what your mom would have to say about that! LOL)

By Buddy (Buddy) on Sunday, September 15, 2002 - 07:02 am:

Thats great curious, but do you know who the REAL lucky people are? Them people Carl put in the front of the book. To do that, it's like Carl's saying he owes them his life or something. That's the highest thing a writer can do for a person I hear.

By Bigbubba (Bigbubba) on Sunday, September 15, 2002 - 08:44 pm:

hey im on C crew and i have a copy.  In fact i finished it last night at work.  It was a darn good book Carl but one thing im wondering is when is the movie coming out !!!!!!!  Because it would make one heck of a movie.....

By Bobby (Bobby) on Sunday, September 15, 2002 - 09:47 pm:

How in the hell did YOU get a fricking copy of Fleet of Angels, BigBubba!!!  Justaworker too!!  Damn it to hell Carl!!  Did you come in on C and not tell anybody??  Just start selling books??

By Mindless Anon (Ma) on Monday, September 16, 2002 - 12:40 am:

I don't think Carl came in on C crew Bobby. I saw him take all his extra books with him when he left Thursday night. He wouldn't have done that if he had plans to sell more to other crews.

By WWF (Wwf) on Monday, September 16, 2002 - 03:59 am:

Those people must have come in off-crew on their personal time, Bobby.  I saw one of them myself.  That ALONE should tell you how bad they wanted the book, and I'm willing to bet they are both glad they DID!!

Once again, Carl, nice novel you have there.  THEY HAD BETTER MAKE A MOVIE ABOUT THIS BOOK!!  IT'S GREAT!!

Now when is the second book going to be done?

By Anon (Anon) on Monday, September 16, 2002 - 04:17 am:

I've got to leave for work in a little bit, but I'm telling you one thing right now Carl.  You better have a signed copy of FOA with my name on it when I get off work Wednesday.  That is your first day back to work, right?

By Bigbubba (Bigbubba) on Wednesday, September 18, 2002 - 08:32 pm:

Hey Carl go ahead and use this if you want it because I mean every word of it.  The book is the bomb and I just couldn't put it down.   I was getting mad when we where getting trucks every other one.  If you don't believe me, ask the other two guys on my job with me .... they where laughing their butts off at me for it ....

By WaveGurl (Wavegurl) on Thursday, September 19, 2002 - 06:23 am:

I think Fleet of Angels is just about the best sci-fi book I've ever read.  It has all the ingredients that make the perfect story.  There are enough sub-plots in there to float a battlecarrier, but they are hidden well by all the action that takes place.  The humor and suspense compliment each other, and the "nerve-wracking" parts are very well placed, exactly what one would expect if caught in such circumstances as takes place in the book.  The order of military ranking of the future, in MY opinion, is something the US government should consider implementing TODAY to make things easier to understand.  Anyone who ever reads Fleet of Angels will be able to tell that the novel was VERY well thought out before it was written.  PERFECT writing in MY book :)

But there is one thing that I've noticed, Carl.  You describe the WOMEN real well, busty Commodore Claudia Fields in particular, but the men in the book you sort of leave to the imagination a little bit.  Gee, SuperWriter, I wonder why THAT would be?  LOL  Is there a REASON you described Claudia Fields the way you did?  Is there a reason you ALSO described Morrison's morals and character to such a degree?  (Loved every LINE of it, Carl!!!)

By Biker (Biker) on Thursday, September 19, 2002 - 06:50 am:

I'm still trying to find the sexy parts!  With women like that big busted blonde in there there HAS TO be some somewhere!

By Hacker1975 (Hacker1975) on Thursday, September 19, 2002 - 07:49 am:

Here's something else I noticed when I read the book. Wave just reminded me of it. Did anyone else notice that the characters in FOA didn't let anything or anyone stop them from reaching their goals? Regardless if things looked hopeless, they always used their heads to come out on top. You guys talked about sports figures, I think Carl made the characters in FOA that way to be used as ROLE MODELS of how to beat the odds. Another thing is the women, they were tough, beautiful, intelligent, open, honest and they knew what they wanted and WENT for it in every case. Even though I could envision different people and personalities, I thought I saw a little bit of Charger in every one of them. I think this must be the type of woman Carl respects the most. Just my thoughts. I sure would like a woman's opinion to see if I might have come close in any of this. From what I've read of Carl's posts, I can assume HE won't post if I'm right or not. You ladies out there, what do YOU think? I myself think there's a LOT more to FOA than just a good, well written story. I think Carl meant it as a model of what the human animal could become if we use our brains a little more.

And to Wauk, I say this: I saw plenty of references to things not only in the bible, but to today's theories of the "ancients" as well. Did you get a copy of FOA yet? If I were you, I'd run and get one before Carl sells what he has left.  If he does, just pray he gets more so EVERYONE can read this outstanding novel.

By Troy (Troy) on Thursday, September 19, 2002 - 03:09 pm:

Like I said, I don't even like sci-fi, but Carl's Fleet of Angels is more than that and I loved it. When I read that book, I really felt like I was back in the Navy. I don't know anything about the bible or subplots but I do know one thing, if you've got an open mind that book of his keeps you chained to it until the very last page. I think you're right about Carl liking and respecting a strong woman, Hacker. Think about it. How could a guy that can write, and basically can do whatever he puts his concentration to, stand being around a mouse?

By Anon (Anon) on Friday, September 20, 2002 - 07:15 am:

When you get a chance to read this Carl I hope you are awake enough to pay attention. With all that money don't turn into another DUCK!! Remember what HE was like? I hear he's dead now. Don't turn into another Duck. Stay as you are Im begging you.

Thank you for coming in early to bring me my signed copy also Carl. You saw how much it affected me when I read what you wrote. I'm half way done reading it, and I agre with what every body is saying. Wavegirl called you a superwriter. For once I agree withthe little blonde bimbo. I've never read a book with this much grabbing power before. Never.

By Killer (Killer) on Friday, September 20, 2002 - 02:56 pm:

This whole thing is pretty neat. Happy for you Carl.

By Bigbubba (Bigbubba) on Friday, September 20, 2002 - 08:23 pm:

hey can we say FOA the MOVIE.... people i can see some great stars in this one .... or am i the only one that thinks it would make a great movie ??

By Hacker1975 (Hacker1975) on Monday, September 23, 2002 - 07:21 am:

Damnit! I should have seen this right away! Hey everybody, I want you to consider the "fleet" in the book. Does anyone else see the similarities between the "fleet" of angels and today's carrier battle group? THAT'S one reason why Troy kept saying he felt like he was still in the NAVY!! Carl was bright enough to take today's battle tactics, add what the technology might be in the next two hundred years, and apply everything in a good story! Smart. Real smart!

By Nightshade (Nightshade) on Thursday, September 26, 2002 - 11:17 am:

I finally have a copy of Carl's book. FOA is a gripper. I've read and own hundreds of SF and Fantasy and seldom do you ever find a book that starts off with such an adrenaline rush! He only brings you back down to calmer times long enough to catch your breath, and then you're off again.

I agree with the ones who say you feel as if they are right there. The action happens so fast, that within a few minutes you are on the ship with the rest of the crew. And it is smooth and streamlined to read. Lots of detail and time spent in research before writing it.

Carl, I couldn't be happier for you. This is a very good book.