Waldenbooks - Fairfield Commons Mall **




My First Official Book Signing - Store Front

See that (small) table on the left-hand side of the store opening?  Yep.  That's where they had me.

The Crew

My sister, Carolann, and my wife, Min, take a break from passing out bookmarks to pose with the luckiest guy in the world.

If Jeff doesn't have a heart the size of Texas, no one does.
Jan, one of the store employees, has a few copies signed for the members of her Sci-Fi group, which meets once a month.  But after thinking about it, she didn't want to be left out, and bought one for herself.  Thanks, Jan.  See you next month at the meeting!
It didn't take long for Carol to decide to buy a book.   It took her longer to decide if she wanted her picture taken with me.

As it turns out, it looks like she don't care WHO she's seen with!  LOL!

Joe buying a copy of Fleet for himself and his family.
Lex and the lady he was with turned out to be some of the nicest people I met in the store that day.
Susan has a copy of Fleet signed for Nick.

The picture might have looked better if the flash had went off.  :(

Another happy reader at Waldenbooks.

Thank you everyone at Waldenbooks for making by first book signing such an enjoyable event!!  (And, yeah, Terry . . . you were correct.  This is the best part of being published!!)

** This store is the most likely to have copies of Fleet of Angels in stock at all times.  If they DO run out, ask them to order it for you.