Waldenbooks - Towne Mall, Franklin




My Second Official Book Signing - Store Front

This store didn't draw as much traffic as the Fairfield Commons store, but as far as fun loving employees go . . . this store can't be beat!

The crew for my second book signing: my sister, Carolann, and my wife, Min.  Without their invaluable help, these signings wouldn't be much fun.
Amy was the first person to have a book signed that day.  It didn't take all that much convincing.

Julius turned out to be another fan of science fiction.  Since I happened to be a writer of science fiction, it worked out quite well.

Bill and his wife, Kum, have been friends of mine for years.  They thought they would drop by to say hello.

Brett is a store employee, who, as it turned out, saw the books arrive days earlier, and was just waiting for me to come in and sign one for him.
Rick and Jessica, hard workers when they need to be . . . two of the greatest human beings on the planet the rest of the time. 

The customers started to dwindle after a while, so Rick (the manager) left to handle some other store business...

(While the cat's away... )

Ruth buying a copy of Fleet of Angels for her future son-in-law, Derrick.  I'm sure he'll be happy.

With Rick out of the store, I finally got Jessica to put on a little show with my novel.  After what seemed like forever to persuade her, I THINK she wound up doing something close to a belly-dance!
Jessica and Brett hamming it up with the stuffed animals until the boss gets back.
Oh- oh!

The boss is back!

My sister, Carolann, probably thinking we're all nuts.

The Waldenbooks at Towne Mall in Franklin is staffed with some of the nicest people on the planet.  They were EXTREMELY helpful and polite, and went FAR out of their way to make the three of us as welcome as they could.  They offered my sister and wife sodas, and kept me company during the times the store was light on customers.


The purpose of a book signing is not just to sell books.  The main reasons an author schedules these events are to make his/her name known, and to have fun.  Even with the small amount of traffic this store gets, in the case of Waldenbooks, Franklin, I would say it's . . . mission accomplished in all respects.


Thank you, Rick, Jessica, and Brett!