
  1000 S. Dewey Street

  North Platte, NE  69101


Saturday 7/5/03

2:00PM - 4:00PM



Store Front

Here's a clue as to how many books were sold at this book signing:  Do you see any customers in the store behind Lisa?  In the mall?

Hint: NEVER arrange a book signing on a three day weekend when the store is near a beautiful lake.  It just don't work out too well...

My crew...

Once again, Lisa Harms was doing all the hard work at this book signing while I just sat around trying to look important.  She must have given business cards out to everyone in the mall that day . . . uh, maybe all of three dozen people.

In this picture, you can tell poor Lisa was getting bored, can't you?  Well, at least she wasn't trying to pass the time by reading a Harry Potter book...

Becky bought this copy of Fleet of Angels, but like a few others, she didn't want her picture taken . . . so this is Becky's daughter.

This beautiful lady is Sheelagh Tech, a top news reporter from KNOP-TV in North Platte, Nebraska.  During my tenure as a published author, it's been my pleasure to have met a lot of people who have been associated with the media in some form or another, but Sheelagh stands out to me as being one of the nicest, and I understand her work usually borders on perfection.


Sheelagh, if I wasn't married...


Interview to be posted soon.


There's one thing that can be said of Lisa . . . she's not afraid to have her picture taken.
Gayla Ward is the manager for the Waldenbooks in North Platte.  This fine lady warned me about the possibility of the mall being dead (if the weather was nice) months before when I first arranged the signing, but did I listen?

Gayla was also mostly responsible for arranging the television interview with Sheelagh. 

Thanks for everything, Gayla.  You're the greatest, and I promise to keep in touch.


The television interview by KNOP-TV turned out to be absolutely perfect.  In fact, I LOVED it!  I want to thank Gayla Ward for helping to set it up and for sending me a copy on tape.  I also want to thank Sheelagh Tech for living up to her reputation as being the perfect TV reporter, and also for making me look so good.

Thank you, Gayla!

Thank you, Sheelagh!

And a very SPECIAL "thank you" to Lisa!